Today’s fancies

No big racing bets today but a couple of small ones for me.

Brig : 4:00 I’ll have a little on Murrumbidgee.  This solid performer seems to lack a real turn of foot at the end of his races and needs to win with a sustained gallop.  He has the right man on board today.

Kemp : 9:15  I like the form of Duty Free and he looks both consistent and progressive – there are enough boxes ticked for me to justify a bet at the shortish odds.  He’s on a nice all weather mark.

The Open  :  Tiger Woods.  Carnoustie is a tough course and it will find most of the field out.  Tiger, the ultimate Links player these days, will no doubt play his normal very mature game.  I doubt that there’ll be many in the thick of it on Sunday afternoon, and I expect him to be one of them.