
I had a long chat with Pete this morning. Winker recovered from the race extremely well. He’s a very uncomplicated horse and appears to be a true professional – we will probably go straight to Ascot with him now. Lord Snooty will come out in two or three weeks, either at Newmarket or Windsor – he wouldn’t want it too firm. I asked about Dutch Art – he will improve for the run but is a top class animal and should win. I’m having a proper bet on him.

I spoke to David Pipe. Prince Ary will go tomorrow and we’ll take our chances against Artadi. I doubt I’ll have a bet in the race. I asked DP about his other runners today. He didn’t think there were any clear betting propositions – he thought Raslan was his most interesting runner but was up against a horse of Jonjo’s that was difficult to assess. I like Raslan – I may have a little bet.

I’ve been trying to get through to Gary Moore but his mobile’s been off all morning. I note he runs Altilhar in the Scottish Champion Hurdle. Gary loves the horse but this is a big ask – he’s a backable price and I may well have a go. Brian runs Admiral’s Cruise at Newbury, a horse he’s always had a big opinion of. I’ll be watching out for him, but I’m not sure Brian’s horses have really come to hand yet – I’ll leave it until later to decide whether I’m having a bet.